American Veterans for Equal Rights is a Veterans Service Organization
dedicated to the full equality of all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation
or gender identity.
May no sacrifice be forgotten
May no sacrifice be forgotten. For 200 and more years, a certain kind of American has
been serving her or his country quietly and with distinction. Myth has it that these people were unfit to serve. Or that
their service was inevitably cut short by misconduct. Or that they were never among the best, and couldn't be counted
Truth tells us otherwise.
We have always answered the nation's call.
We always will.

While NEOAVER will not have an individual booth at Pride this year, some members of NEOAVER will be helping out at the Cleveland VA booth during the first few hours of the Pride Festival.
No matter whether you are helping at the booth or not, we are asking all LGBTI/A veterans and service members to wear their Physical Fitness Uniform t-shirts to see and be seen during the Pride parade and festival. There are more of us than you think. You are NOT alone!
21 June 2003 - Press Release from the Cleveland VAMC:
The Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Ally Employee Resource Group will be “coming out” this year at the 25th Anniversary of the Cleveland Pride Parade and Festival taking place at Voinovich Bicentennial Park on June 29, 2013. The Cleveland VA is proud to honor those LGBT/A Veterans that had to “hide” for so many years while protecting our nation and its occupants for our continued freedoms. The Cleveland VA Medical Center is also proud of its LGBT/A employees that serve and care for our Veterans by being true to themselves.
The LGBT/A Employee Resource Group invites Veterans and employees to join us on June 29, 2013 to march with pride and honor, and to visit or participate at the Cleveland VA Medical Center Festival Booth. VA Health Benefits Advisors will be on site to provide information about VA Healthcare Benefits."
Serving Veterans and Service Members
- Are you an LGBT veteran or service member, or the spouse or significant other, family member, or friend of an LGBT
veteran or service member?
- Do you feel out of place in the VA, like not all of your needs are being met or addressed, or like other veterans
there judge you?
- Do you worry that the VA will leave your spouse or significant other out in the cold if something were to happen to
- Do you worry that possible VA budget cuts may leave you in the lurch for medical coverage or affect your disability
compensation or pension?
- Do you feel like there are some Veterans Service Organizations that only welcome you as long as you stay in the closet?
- Do you support lifting the ban on open and honest LGBT service for all US service members?
Getting Involved...
NEOAVER was founded in 2004 and was active to varying degrees, including hosting the AVER 2007 National
Convention in Cleveland's Playhouse Square district, until its dormancy began in 2008. With some new interest in the region,
there is ongoing work to reactivate the chapter.
While we are rebuilding, we will indeed be asking a little more of members, until the
chapter is back up to the point where normal operational tasks can be distributed in a more relaxed fashion.
If you are interested in getting involved with NEOAVER, feel free to contact us. Please include any
information you feel is pertinent: what types of activities you would like to be involved with or volunteer for, or what
type of veterans assistance you might need. Although we do not currently have our own "in house" CVSO, we can help you
with referrals.